My mom has FIVE, yes FIVE, pairs of BLACK BOOTS. You might be thinking to yourself, "Self, why would anyone need 5 pairs of Black Boots?" And you would be thinking the same thing that I was thinking when I helped my mom clean out and count her shoes.
My mom's Black Boots, like all shoes in any closet, are indicative of something on a deeper level. When I see these many pairs of black boots, I do not see actual boots, instead I see them as a visual representation of my mom being a good wife and friend to my Dad.
You see, in order to truly understand the Black Boot "situation" you must first understand Phil Davis. And his obsession with his Harley. My Dad's motorcycle (a Harley, duh! Is there any other kind of meaningful motorcycle???) is the thing that he loves 2nd best in this world. Judy Davis being the first. So, his idea of a GREAT TIME is hopping on his Harley and taking a drive. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyday. Now, what makes these adventures even better is that my mom likes to go with him. (and all of his friends have Harleys too!) My mom is the KEY INGREDIENT to my dad's happiness. His motorcycle adventures would just not be as much fun if he was alone and my mom was alone at home. They just like to be together. (Side note: they just celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary....I guess you get to that place by finding common interests, right?)
So, along with this shared interest (encouraged strongly by my Dad), comes all of the "swag" to go along with it. This means that my mom has a part of her closet dedicated to "Harley Riding"...aka...Harley Shirts, leather "gear" (jackets, chaps---yes, CHAPS!) black denim, scarves, headbands, hats to wear to mask her helmet name it, she's got it. Enter "Black Boots". She has to match and she has to look semi-tough while doing it. In fact, I would say---and if you know Judy Davis you might disagree---that sometimes she looks like a Bad Ass when she hops on the back of my Dad's motorcycle. I'm just sayin'....she looks good. And the Black Boots are all part of this equation.
It might sound as if I am making fun of my parents, but in actuality I admire them for their dedication to one another and to making their marriage not only last, but also ENJOYABLE. They deserve it. They have raised 3 children, held down jobs, been great friends and wonderful employees...I would venture to say that Phil and Judy Davis deserve to have a little fun. And if my mother having 5 pairs of black boots is what helps to make this possible, then I say "Buy Five More Mom!" I hope that I can get married one day to a man that I am willing to own five pairs of black boots for---or whatever "swag" might come along with his hobbies (Dear God, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me a man whose hobbies include, but are not limited to, Christian Louboutin shoes and Fendi handbags!) haha, just so I can support whatever he finds enjoyable. Ahh True Love.