Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'd Rather Fall than have to wear these shoes ever again!

You might be thinking to yourself right now, "Why are these hideous shoes posted up on this blog?" And let me tell you, there is a reason! I promise....just let me get there...these shoes, as do all of my other shoes, have a story---a life, if you will---and they have significant meaning in my life. Here goes nothing...

So, yesterday I had an amazing day at Glen Ivy Day Spa with my friend Daniela from work (it was her birthday, so we needed to celebrate)! Also, it was our first day of "real" summer vacation. We both taught Summer School (aka Educational Rehab) and Thursday was our last day! Woohoo!!! Well, as we were driving home from this fantastically relaxing day we started talking about other jobs that we had before we became teachers. And I realized that I had a whole lot of really random jobs throughout my high school and, mostly, college years. My life as an employee began as a "counter girl" at Frantones (hmmmm I wonder how I got THAT hook up???), then I worked for about 5 minutes (seriously) at Sushi of Naples, then worked at Macaroni Grill for about 3 months (only to eventually be "phased out"), I drove 3 elementary aged kids to school for a semester for $50 a week (straight rolling in the dough! PLUS I HAD to wake up early on Friday mornings even after a "Thirsty Thursday---come on, I was a wild freshman in college! Waking up and driving kids to school after a late night while they argued over who got to sit in the front seat was TORTURE!), then I worked at CURVES---The Gym For Women (30 minute workouts/3 times a week LOL), worked as a receptionist/eBay girl/random office slave at L&C Coins (thank you, Lee Crane) which was probably my favorite job out of all of them, only to eventually be hired as a server at Outback Steakhouse in Norwalk---which brings me to the aforementioned (and pictured) shoes.

Working at Outback was probably the most fun and the least fun I have ever had in a job all wrapped up into one weird experience. The restaurant business---for any of you who have not had the pleasure of participating in---is super strange. It's strange in the sense that it is a revolving door of employees who really have no long term goal of staying at this job for more than a year or two (usually....there ARE a few exceptions!) But, for the most part, the people who work there are generally college aged kids who are just trying to work to make enough money to then go out and spend that money at a bar after they get off of work. And, in the beginning of working there, it was so fun.

But however, as I got older (I worked there for about 3 years) and graduated from college and did not see a career job in my near future, I began to resent working there. I was annoyed with the stupid customers who bossed me around and treated me like trash---so many times I had to stop myself from slamming their drink down on the table and asking them where exactly they got THEIR college degree? Oh, what's that? Oh, you DIDN'T graduate from HIGH SCHOOL? Ohhhhhhh, well then, stop treating me like an idiot! UGh!

Okay....rant OVER! But, these "Shoes for Crews" slip-resistant ladies style shoes are the kind of shoes that I had to wear at least 4 times a week for about 3 years whenever I went to work. And y'all know how I feel about shoes. The higher the better, flats are a sickness, and kitten heels are the mullets of shoes. I should add into this equation "black tennis shoes with a thick sole are meant for unstylish Grandmas ONLY"---no offense to any G-Ma's out there :) But seriously....can they BE any uglier??? Also picture these show with a pair of black Dickie work pants, a collared baggy Outback shirt (which was inevitably FILTHY because I didn't care enough about how I looked at work to EVER wash my work clothes), a ratty pony-tail and some Outback "Flair" (that's right, FLAIR)...and I looked GOOD. Hahahaha....

Moral of this story, as I was driving home from the day spa, I realized how grateful I am for my job. I seriously LOVE being a teacher, I love my students, I love my co-workers, and the thing I love the most? I can wear whatever shoes I want to wear! I am grateful for my job at Outback Steakhouse---I know that if I had to, I could do it again---but experiences like that make me even more grateful for the decisions that I have made in my life AND for my job, even though I spend waaaaaaay more time there than I ever did at Outback! Adios Slip Resistant shoes. you are too ugly, and we can no longer be seen together :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Guardian Angels wear adorable shoes!

So, my summer has consisted of some VERRRY exciting activities such as: teaching Summer School (aka Educational Rehab) and running Cheer Practice. While I get to do this with a couple of my BFF's (Daniela and Erin), it still kind of sucks to realize that the summer is almost over and it has been consumed by school and sounds dangerously similar to what my normal school year consists of! Eeeek!

However, in the midst of the madness I had two Guardian Angels come to me and help make my life easier. Sarah and Kayleigh (2 of my former cheer captains) volunteered their own precious time and energy to come and practice and help shoulder some of the burden. Now, while this might not seem like a big deal to you, it means the world to me. Wrangling 39 (yes, 39) girls at cheer practice and trying to get them to look perfect and "game ready" is exhausting. So, the fact that Sarah and Kayleigh came to help me really means a lot. As a teacher/coach/advisor, I always hope that I am making a difference in the lives of SOME of my students (let's be real, not every kid is "on board" with my learning agenda) but when kids like Sarah and Kayleigh come back and want to just help "just because", it warms my heart.

That attitude is the attitude that I hope my students walk away from my class learning: that it is important to try to make life a little bit easier and more bearable for one another. And when you care about someone, you should want to help them out and ease their burdens. Kayleigh and Sarah are wonderful girls, they work really hard, do well in school (CSULB and Chapman), and are all around wonderful young women. I am so proud of them. And I am so glad that now that they have not been my students for a while, we can be actual friends! It's so fun! I LOVE THEM!!!

ALMOST as much as I loved the shoes that Kayleigh was wearing when she came to help out! I have to give credit to my students for much of my "fashion sense"....their style is infectious and it keeps me wanting to be stylish. While I don't LOVE showing up to school wearing the same outfit as one of my students (it's happened before, people!), I do love looking cute, and girls like Sarah and Kayleigh continue to inspire my clothing (and shoe!) choices. As of late, I have become fixated on "deck shoes" know, the kind that you wear when you're sailing? They make me feel like I could put on some khaki shorts, a light blue button-up shirt, a straw hat, and go sailing in the Hamptons. However, here I am. In Downey. Not a body of water on which to sail a boat in sight. But a girl can dream, right? And soon enough, I will break down and buy a pair of these:

Until then, Happy Summer :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Steve Harvey?

I am teaching Summer School (aka Educational Rehab....sometimes I feel like a Parole Officer!) and during silent reading time I have been reading a book that I was reluctant to read....until now. And, I am embarrassed to admit this, but I am really liking it. Steve Harvey's book "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" has so many tidbits of wisdom for women "a la" Steve Harvey. If nothing else, it is entertaining and he does say quite a few things that I agree with (along with quite a few that I think are kind of silly)...However, all of this aside, he does a little "Q&A" section in the back of the book and I was so amused and happy with his answer to the following question:

A question asked of Steve Harvey:


Here’s His answer:

"Heel’s baby, Heels. If we could get athletic shoes with heels for women, we would. It’s just a really sexy thing to us. I don’t know a single man who prefers women in flats; I’ve never run into one. We all think heels make your legs look more beautiful, they make your walk more feminine and you, too. And that’s what we‘re attracted to."

Ahhhh....while heels make me feel more powerful and as though I could conquer the world, Steve Harvey says that they make me look sexier and my legs more beautiful. And, I would agree with him on this point. So ladies, go out, buy some heels. NOT "kitten heels"...don't do that---U.G.L.Y.....but, give in to the heel phenomenon. At least for today.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Judy Davis---Part 4

My mom has FIVE, yes FIVE, pairs of BLACK BOOTS. You might be thinking to yourself, "Self, why would anyone need 5 pairs of Black Boots?" And you would be thinking the same thing that I was thinking when I helped my mom clean out and count her shoes.

My mom's Black Boots, like all shoes in any closet, are indicative of something on a deeper level. When I see these many pairs of black boots, I do not see actual boots, instead I see them as a visual representation of my mom being a good wife and friend to my Dad.

You see, in order to truly understand the Black Boot "situation" you must first understand Phil Davis. And his obsession with his Harley. My Dad's motorcycle (a Harley, duh! Is there any other kind of meaningful motorcycle???) is the thing that he loves 2nd best in this world. Judy Davis being the first. So, his idea of a GREAT TIME is hopping on his Harley and taking a drive. Anywhere. Anytime. Anyday. Now, what makes these adventures even better is that my mom likes to go with him. (and all of his friends have Harleys too!) My mom is the KEY INGREDIENT to my dad's happiness. His motorcycle adventures would just not be as much fun if he was alone and my mom was alone at home. They just like to be together. (Side note: they just celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary....I guess you get to that place by finding common interests, right?)

So, along with this shared interest (encouraged strongly by my Dad), comes all of the "swag" to go along with it. This means that my mom has a part of her closet dedicated to "Harley Riding"...aka...Harley Shirts, leather "gear" (jackets, chaps---yes, CHAPS!) black denim, scarves, headbands, hats to wear to mask her helmet name it, she's got it. Enter "Black Boots". She has to match and she has to look semi-tough while doing it. In fact, I would say---and if you know Judy Davis you might disagree---that sometimes she looks like a Bad Ass when she hops on the back of my Dad's motorcycle. I'm just sayin'....she looks good. And the Black Boots are all part of this equation.

It might sound as if I am making fun of my parents, but in actuality I admire them for their dedication to one another and to making their marriage not only last, but also ENJOYABLE. They deserve it. They have raised 3 children, held down jobs, been great friends and wonderful employees...I would venture to say that Phil and Judy Davis deserve to have a little fun. And if my mother having 5 pairs of black boots is what helps to make this possible, then I say "Buy Five More Mom!" I hope that I can get married one day to a man that I am willing to own five pairs of black boots for---or whatever "swag" might come along with his hobbies (Dear God, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me a man whose hobbies include, but are not limited to, Christian Louboutin shoes and Fendi handbags!) haha, just so I can support whatever he finds enjoyable. Ahh True Love.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Judy Davis---Part 3

I thought MY Old Navy FlipFlop collection was out of control until I saw Her "Fit Flop" collection....

My poor mother. She was so proud to show me her Wedding Heels and to prove to me that at one time in her life she "rocked" appropriate heel height. Now, however, she has developed a small situation called "Plantar Fascitis" and is unable to "rock" the heels of what I consider to be "Appropriate Height". (that is exactly the reason that I am wearing the highest heels possible NOW, because I sense foot maladies in my future...Thanks Mom!)

Enter the "Fit Flop"'ve seen them. They are a cousin of the "Shape-Up" shoe in the Sketcher family. My mom loves the intense "arch support" that they offer for her poor Plantar Fascitis. So naturally she has bought a pair in every color (duh!) so that she always has a pair of sandals to wear with any given outfit. (She's a fashionista, people!) While I am not a fan of these particular shoes, they are not as horrible as the hated Hawaiian sandals, right???

If you are looking to buy some of these sandals, Judy has found a "knock-off" brand at K-Mart....because, why would you pay full price for something as fantastic as these from a department store???? :)

Amazingly, despite these shoes not being my most favorite shoes in my mother's closet, she finds a way to make them ADORABLE. That IS Judy Davis. Whatever she does, she does well. From her "Painting Sandals" to her "costume shoes" to her "Wedding Shoes", she walks with grace and beauty. And that, my friends, is not something that you can buy at K-Mart or Nordstrom, it is who she is.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Judy Davis---Part 2

She's SO nice

Her "Painting" Hawaiian Sandals---Exhibit A

Her "Fancy" Hawaiian Sandals---Exhibit B

Have you ever received a present that you did not really like, but you pretended like you did because you did not want to hurt the "giver's" feelings? I know that I have. I mean, I know we are all good people and we all are always grateful for anything that anyone gives us out of the goodness of their heart...but in all reality, sometimes people give awkward gifts.

Well, these shoes are a prime example of this. They are also a prime example of the kind of person my mom is (and the kind of person we should probably all strive to be in our lives). Probably about 15 years ago my Grandparents took a trip to Hawaii and my Grandma (Bless Her Heart...) just "fell in love" with these "super comfy" sandals. Now, MY bratty self looks at these shoes and thinks "I will never be caught dead wearing those!". But, admittedly, I was the recipient of a pair of these sandals (the spoils of a Grandparent Hawaiian trip) and my 10 year old self rocked them. However, I came to my senses at some point in the mid 1990's. My mom, on the other hand, has continued to be the recipient of these shoes because every time my Grandma and Grandpa bring her a pair she raves about how wonderful they are. So my Grandma (Bless Her Heart....) has come under the belief that my mom LOVES THESE SHOES and always makes it a point to bring her back a pair every time they go to Hawaii. And now, Judy Davis has an unnecessarily large collection of these ridiculous sandals. (See "Exhibit A/B")

Now, the collection found in "Exhibit B" was enough to make me almost fall over from shock. But, just when I thought we had excavated every pair of shoes out of her closet, all of the sudden we found a "hidden" drawer that holds her "Painting Attire". And that is where we found the "Painting Shoes" (see "Exhibit A"). Oh mom. Why????

I can tell you why. Judy Davis is nice. She is kind. She is grateful for anything that anyone gives her that they put thought into. She is the kind of mom who, on Mother's Day puts on every single item that she is given (clothes, jewelry, hats, shoes...) as she opens them, and then wants to go out wearing it all ASAP. I am never worried about the kinds of present that I buy for her because I know that she is going to find something to love about it. No Matter What. That is my mom.

However, these shoes are giving me second thoughts about whether she REALLY loves the things I give her. Orrrrr, is she just being nice? Hmmmm.....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Judy Davis---Part 1

So, this weekend I spent some time at my mom and dad's house and had an interesting experience with my mother. See picture below---there she is...surrounded by her shoes!

For those of you who do not know Judy Davis, let me tell you---you are missing out. This woman is a saint. She is the epitome of "Mary Poppins" (you know, practically perfect in every way). She is the kind of person who says "Well, Bless their Heart, but...." right before she says something insulting about someone. My mom is amazing.

I have been attempting to figure out how/why/when I became obsessed with shoes, and this weekend it all began to make sense. You might have noticed that this blog is titled "Judy Davis--Part 1" and you might be thinking to yourself "Part 1? Hmmmm, why Part 1? How many parts must there be?" Well avid readers, to understand me, you must first understand my mother, and to understand my mother, we must delve into the inner-workings of her closet.

Upon my arrival at the Davis Oasis on Saturday afternoon, I was summoned into my parents bedroom. My mom and Dad---well, in all reality, my Mom---have a HUGE closet that is basically the same size as their hallway. It's gigantic. And my mom's clothes, and you guessed it, her shoes take up about 3/4 of the closet space. Poor Phil---he only has 1/4 of the closet for all of his various Harley gear and tasseled shoes. (Love you, Dad) I went into my parents bedroom and was immediately drawn into my mom's temptation of "shoe purging". She initially drew me in by taunting me with her "Wedding Shoes" and then, as you might imagine, things got out of hand. (See "wedding shoes" below)

This is going to be a 5 part series. A week of blogs dedicated to Judith Elaine Davis and her various shoes. Among the posts will be the categories of: 1) sneakers, 2) Ugly Hawaiian slip on sandals, 3) black boots (she has FIVE PAIRS!), 4) UGLY (yes, there is a sub-category dedicated to "Ugly"), and finally 5) the Floral Print Keds.

People, she has 86 pairs of shoes. And I thought I was out-of-control. I love my mother. She makes my life better every single day. If I can be even remotely like her when I am a mom and wife someday, then I will be so lucky. I am just hoping to keep my shoe count down to 51.

This is for you, Mom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cleaning House.

Look BELOW! These are the shoes I'm getting rid of! Yay!

Aaaannnddd....these are ALLLLLLL the shoes I am keeping! :) Eeek, right?

A wise person (I really can't remember who it was) once said "Sometimes in order to make room for new things in your life, you have to get rid of some of the old things." Now, this can apply to so many different things in our lives. This can apply to know the kind of people I'm talking about....those toxic ones who seem to suck the life out of you? The ones who you just KNOW your life would be easier without, but for some reason you are addicted to them? I have definitely found myself in this situation before (as I'm sure most of us have if we would ever be vulnerable and admit to it!), and I have found that cutting a toxic person out of your life is easier said than done. But, cleaning house in your relationships is just as important as cleaning your actual house. Even the toilet needs to get scrubbed every now and then, right? In my own life (and this is me, being vulnerable here with you) I have some housecleaning to do. Like I said, easier said than done. I have missed blogging lately, because I think that it was cathartic for me. I am able to get out my feelings, using my shoes as a metaphor for life experiences.

So, like I have said with sometimes needing to have "relationship funerals" (ie. getting rid of people who are not improving our lives), we must also sometimes LITERALLY clean out our closets. As I have said all along, the purpose of this blog was to wear all of those dang shoes that I had in my closet. Well, I did THAT and now my next step is to get rid of any shoes that just aren't "meshing" with my life. You know, they're either uncomfortable, don't fit anymore, or just don't go with me now. Does that make sense? So, goodbye white wedges from Target. Sayonara gold strappy heels from Target. Adios gold leaf-too short-heels from H&M. See ya later Guess flats. I don't want you anymore. I don't need you anymore. My life will be better off without you in it.

I wish that getting rid of toxic people was as easy and cut&dry as that was. How do you get rid of people who just aren't "fitting" anymore---who are no longer comfortable? And furthermore, how does one figure out who these people are? Well, although I can always find a metaphor for life through my shoes, it is not as easy to treat people like shoes. People are not possessions. People have feelings. People can talk back to you (although I would argue that some of my shoes talk to me...listen closely...they're saying "I hurt. Get rid of me!" haha) So I guess some people's behavior tells us that they don't want to be in our "closet" anymore, just like our shoes tell us the same things. We just have to listen.

Word to the wise people. Don't be like me. Don't become overwhelmed by unnecessary "shoes" in your life. It's just not worth it. Make a clean sweep. Get rid of whatever is bogging you down. You will feel better. You will be better. Your life will be more fulfilling than you knew possible. Fill it instead with fabulous stillettos, adorable wedges, and sassy boots. Just say "NO!" to the tempting because they are comfortable and not dangerous in any way, shape, or form, kitten heels (hello! the "mullet" of shoes), flats (they are a sickness), and ugly tennis shoes (unless they are meant to be worn for running). (see the metaphor here, my friends???)

What can you get rid of today? May it be shoes or a toxic person, be brave. Just Do It.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Post 52---Scarlet's Shoes and Where to Now?

So, somewhere along my Shoe Journey (51 Pairs Of Shoes, Oh My!) I discovered that the obsession with shoes and pretty much all things "Fabulous", that my feelings and experiences were not unlike the experiences/feelings that many other people have. Now, this was not some "AHA!" moment for me, but it was pretty enlightening. I thought that this "shoe obsession" was a problem, so I began blogging about it. However, along the way, it brought me closer to many people whom I would otherwise not be close with. I realized that some men have a lot of shoes (and they definitely have their opinions about MINE!), I also realized that a lot of people read what I have been writing. I was utilizing some of the cool features of "blogspot" and saw that I could track the different states, countries, and YES, continents, where people are reading my blog. Crazy, but someone in GERMANY and also someone else in MEXICO are reading my blog. WHAAAAT???? (Hello to you, my international readership!) I am in shock and awe over this fact. I mean, I believed that some of my friends and family would read what I write, but never did I ever believe that I would have as many others as I do.

Now, this brings me to my next point. Where to go from here? I have been thinking about this for about a week now---okay, let's get serious---I've been thinking about where to go next since my first posting! And I have decided what my plan will be---at least for the time being. We have about 17 days left of the school year. I don't know about you, but when I was a high school student, I had a countdown going in my planner from about Spring Break and on....the last days of school always dragged on and on and coincidentally, the most interesting things tended to happen on those days. Both in school and out. Therefore, I am going to write about the last weeks of school, but with a twist (duh, how could there NOT be a twist, right??) I am going to write from the perspective of my shoes. Where did I take them that day, what weird things did they see, what strange experiences did I have whilst wearing them? We'll see. This has the potential to either be cool, or to really really suck. You just never know, right?

On another note, check out Little Miss Scarlet Rose Gutierrez's Sock Shoes!!!! Isn't she freaking adorable??? I got to thinking as I was holding her, that, unlike me, she has her WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE stretching before her. Those socks are just the first of many socks that she will own. They are just the first of many (hopefully) cute and Fabulously Ridiculous shoes in her wardrobe (if her Auntie Ali has anything to say about it!). She is full of life, and potential, and beauty to do and be whatever and whoever she wants to be. Gosh, I am so excited for her life. I am so excited that I get to be a part of such a beautiful thing. It makes me realize that I need to be very conscious of where my shoes are taking me. What stories do I want my shoes to tell? Do I want them to say that I am bad at my job, am rude to people, and have no patience? Or, do I want them to have adventures and a shelf life of Fabulous Ridiculousness? Hmmm....let's see.....what option sounds better???? :)

So, I will be a taking my cue from Scar-Ro, I will be seeing each day with new eyes. I will embrace new people and new experiences. I won't be afraid to cry. I won't be afraid to need my mom and dad. I will be demanding, but not be a diva. I will grow, in more ways than one. And I will try to be the best that I can be.

Ahhh, shoes. They make me all sentimental and stuff :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 51---Payless Slip-Ons

Today is bittersweet. It is the end of my 51 day "challenge"! Can you believe it? I am seriously amazed that this is coming to an end. I am nowhere near finished with my blogging life though. This has been such an enlightening experience for me. I have always wanted to write in some capacity and as an English Major in college, I did a LOT of writing. But, as a teacher, I have not really found a niche for my writing....until NOW! I feel like I have been able to "get out" my creative writing (debatable if it is enjoyable for everyone!) urges on this blog. My goal was to write about my shoes, but also to write about the experiences that my shoes might be able to tell everyone about---if they could talk. I hope that my "voice" (as my professors were always encouraging me to use) was loud and clear while you have been reading my blog. It has been so fun and fulfilling to write again. I know that I am nowhere near being finished with my "Fabulous Ridiculousness"...I promise! Plus, I still have to blog about my Shoes' Journey to the Big Apple AND we have to have a Shoe Funeral/Memorial Service for all of those shoes that are no longer going to be a part of my closet.

Speaking of shoes that will no longer be a part of my closet, allow me to highlight the pair of shoes that I chose to leave for last. I think that I subconsciously left these shoes for the end, because I knew how FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE they are and I was dreading wearing them. Today has been PURE TORTURE. These shoes hurt my feet more than any other pair that I have ever owned. Seriously. They are from Payless---so it shouldn't come as a surprise that they are just a little bit "off"....from my vast shoe experience I have gleaned the fact that Payless shoes tend to all be a little bit weird. Does that make sense? There is something to be said for classy, expensive, well-made shoes. They just tend to be more comfy. For example, my Nike Free Running shoes are comfortable enough to wear on a daily basis for hours and hours on end, but these shoes are just NOT those kind of shoes. I bought these because I was taking advantage of the "BO-GO" (Buy One, Get One) one time when I purchased some other equally uncomfortable shoes, so I don't feel any real connection to these shoes, but for some reason I have never gotten rid of them.

After doing this blog, I have come to see that the reason I have these uncomfortable shoes in my closet is because I just have TOO many pairs of shoes, and then I tend to wear the same 5 pairs and never branch out and then I forget how uncomfortable they are and then they just sit there in my closet gathering dust. HOWEVER, I am NOW proud to say that I have at least 5 pairs of shoes that I will be ridding myself of later this week. (The best part is that I am going to take them to The Salvation Army and some other unsuspecting woman will be suckered into buying them, just like I was! I'm so evil!)

This may be the "end" of this particular Chapter in my blogging life, but I can say with full confidence that I am nowhere near done being "Fabulously Ridiculous", so stay tuned---because I WILL be gracing the screens of your computers with more of my Ridiculousness. Mark My Words.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 50---Brown Forever 21 Oxfords

Here they are friends! My third and final pair of Oxfords! I am still disgusted with myself and the fact that I have THREE pairs of these shoes. Seriously. It's slightly out of control. I have a problem. I see this style of shoes and I want to buy them. And the real problem is, they are flat shoes and, as you all know I don't typically wear flat shoes. However, I love these for some unknown reason more than I love any other pair of my Oxfords. Weird.

I must confess that I wore these while I was in NYC this past weekend as well as wearing them today. They are just too cute to pass up. I wore them out to dinner with my brother and our good friend Rick Lands. Rick has a place in The City and we met up with him and he took us to eat at this amazing place called "Cafeteria"....sooooooooo! They have DELICIOUS mac'n'cheese and lots of really yummy food. Apparently they are THE hot spot for late night after hours dining and it really gets crazy there after the bars close. Probably a good thing that we don't have one here, because I would want to eat there all the time! Wes and I had a really good time with Rick...eating, chatting, drinking Belini' great!

So, when I wore them today, I couldn't help but think about where I was the last time that I wore them, in comparison to where I am wearing them today. Traveling is crazy, people. One day you're living it up in a new city, surrounded by fun opportunity and new experiences to be had, and the next I am back at Warren High teaching ROMEO AND JULIET. Oy Vay! How things change!

Speaking of change, my best friend had her baby! Scarlet Rose Gutierrez made her Grand Debut on Saturday, May 21, 2011. She is BEAUTIFUL! I told Britt that she really didn't have to go to all the trouble of getting Scar a "Baby Wig" (look at all that HAIR! She needs a BOW STAT!) I was overcome with emotions when I met her. It is such a strange feeling to hold a baby that was JUST inside your best friend, and feel the immense responsibility that comes with having a baby. I can't believe that Britt and Isaac are parents. It seems like yesterday that Britt was telling us all during lunch at DHS our Junior year about this guy that she met that is pretty cool and she thinks she kind of likes him. Fast Forward 10 years....SCARLET! Wow. I am in love. It's official. She is amazing, and beautiful, and SO SMART. I can tell! She needs high heels ASAP. Auntie Ali to the rescue!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 49---Blue "Michael" Heels

I'm baaaaack! So, I was gone this weekend in New York City (and let me tell you, I had the BEST time with my brother and sister! Thanks Diana and Brendan for getting married and inviting us to come!) I will have a post later this week detailing the trip and the shoes that went along with me!

However, we must move onto THESE AMAZING SHOES. These are the shoes, my friends, that have been taunting me from the top shelf of my closet for months. My sister got these shoes for me 2 years ago as part of my Christmas present, and I HAVE NEVER WORN THEM! I'm not really sure why I have not worn them until today, but boy am I glad that I did! I got SO MANY COMPLIMENTS on these shoes today. From several of my students to the NICU nurses at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center where I visited Brittany and Scarlet Rose Gutierrez this afternoon! Scarlet is amazing and beautiful and wonderful and is going home from the hospital tomorrow! I would have to say that these shoes took me on one of the best journeys I have embarked upon as of late: to meet my beautiful pseudo niece. Of course, I had a minor meltdown at the hospital because I am just overwhelmed with the emotions that accompanied the fact that my best friend is now a mom. So weird and so cool.

These are serious shoes. They are super high, they have velcro (yes, "grandma Reeboks"), and they are BLUE. I have a LOT of shoes (did I mention that??? LOL) but these are my only blue shoes. I feel like Elvis (you know, "Don't Step On my Blue Suede Shoes")....minus the drug addiction and crazy high fat diet....regardless, these shoes make me happy. They were a gift from one of my best friends, Joslyn, and they took me throughout the halls of Long Beach Memorial on my way to meet my precious baby Scar-Ro.

What a good day. What a fun weekend I had (more on that later). What fun shoes!

P.S. It was "Disney" Spirit Day today at school---hence, the Minnie Mouse Ears (a gift from my work wife, Karen). So fun. I've got spirit, yes I do, I've got spirit, how 'bout you???? I live for this stuff, people. That's why I teach high school. So I never REALLY have to grow up. Duh. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 48---Black Peep Toe "Steve Madden" Flats

Geez. I didn't realize how many Steve Madden shoes I have in my closet! So Many Pairs! I mean, I don't have really any other shoes that are same brands as other pairs. I have a thing for STEVE! :) Love Him!

These shoes are great, but were probably not the best choice for today. As I mentioned yesterday, we are in the middle of Standardized testing, and I was "click clacking" all around the gym trying to monitor my students. Needless to say, I was getting some dirty looks from the dang Honors kids. (MY students, on the other hand, like to hear me before I arrive so that they can look "alive" and as if they are taking the test seriously!)

These shoes are totally from my college days. I bought these from Ross in Long Beach right by BayCrest (the WORST PLACE TO LIVE EVER!) and I used to wear them with leggings and this dress from H&M that I wore so often it was like it was my job. They are slightly too big (the shrinking feet syndrome that accompanies losing weight) but they are a "staple" to my wardrobe. It is important to have at least a couple pairs of classy flats in case I don't want to wear heels one day (like today!)

I distinctly remember wearing these out on St. Patrick's Day my last year of college. Ahhhh THOSE were THE DAYS! You know, the days when you still celebrated any and all holidays (Cinco de Mayo, Cesar Chavez Day, 4th of July, St. Patty's Day, Margarita get the idea....) by going out and drinking copius amounts of alcohol. Now, I am less likely to do this, because let's get serious people, I just can't function after a late night out like I used to be able to. But, back to St. Patty's Day 2007....we got ready, headed over to the Passport Stop (no drinking and driving for us!), and arrived at The Dub right as it was opening. We proceeded to have a crazy day in which we all ended up with "Jameson Whiskey" temporary tattoos on our necks, trips into the men's restroom (girls lines are too long!), a journey to ColdStone's, and a weird interaction with a man wearing an afro wig and a kilt. Yes, it really did happen. I love my friends, and I love that I remember wearing these shoes, with a pair of jeans and my traditional "St. Patrick's Day" Target tank-top that Britt made by cutting up a huge men's shirt and reconstructing it (using all of our Delta Gamma date party skills!) and that Summer, Britt, and I all had matching shirts of varying styles (Britt was REALLY creative) and that we had the BEST TIME.

Now, as a responsible adult (debatable), I just don't "Go Big" like I used to. However, I am so happy that I did all of the things that I did, had all of those adventures, met all of those people, and lived my college life to it's fullest, because you never get those days back. I was in such a hurry to grow up and get a real job, and now here I am. And honestly, what I wouldn't give to be able to be a student again. When my biggest worry was where I was going to go out on Thursday night (The Dub or MaiTai??) Don't get me wrong, this new phase of my life is awesome and I wouldn't change it at all, but if I could be transported back, just once, I would wear these shoes and that St. Patrick's Day shirt and hope that I was lucky enough to run into the kilt wearing afro man.

P.S. I'm leaving tonight for NEW YORK CITY! So, I am going to try to blog, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to! I apologize to all three of you who regularly read my blog :) haha....I'll catch you up on Monday for sue! xoxo

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 47---Puma Tennies

I can remember EXACTLY when I bought these shoes, who I was with, and have a very specific weird feeling when I put them on. This already does not sound good, right?

I bought these shoes when I was dating this guy---he shall remain nameless---and this relationship, well, it kind of sucked. These Pumas are super comfy and pretty cute and are just sporty enough for my liking---even though I am realizing as I look at the pictures from today, they are kind of not very clean, I still like them....but I have a hard time wearing them for a couple of reasons. And, if you have ever been in a relationship, and then not been in that relationship, random things/places tend to remind you of that relationship---in both good and bad ways. So, these shoes are like that for me.

1. Each time I tie the laces on these shoes, I can hear his ever so slightly condescending voice telling me how much HE likes these shoes and how I should totally buy them---as if HE had better shoe style than ME...blah blah blah....

2. On the right shoe there is a very distinct coffee stain that did NOT come from ME spilling coffee on my shoe, but instead from HIM spilling coffee on my shoe at a Starbucks and NOT apologizing. Ugh. So, even if I did not associate him with these shoes initially, every time I look down and see that stain, I think of him. (and his lack of apologizing and his stubborn machismo attitude...I'm such a brat, but there is NO way that he reads this, so who cares?)

3. I bought these at the Nordstrom Rack in Long Beach---great store, but I don't like going there, because---you guessed it---it reminds me of our stupid, ridiculous relationship.

Now, these things all might be misinterpreted as me actually thinking about him, caring about him, or still being under the spell of our relationship, but it is quite the opposite. When we broke up, I never spoke one more word to him again. Seriously. Not one word. Never have even seen him in like 3 years. The End. I move on. That is why these shoes are so frustrating: because no matter what, when I put them on, I associate them with him. I can't help it. I don't spend any time thinking about him and I sometimes forget that I was ever even in a relationship with him (how sad, right?) BUT HOWEVER, when I wear these shoes (on the rare occasions that it actually happens!) I see his face for at least a split second and experience this inner questioning of "Why did I date him?" Bet you never thought shoes could tell you all of that, huh?

Any male readers are currently thinking to themselves "Women are crazy" and my ladies are thinking "Hmmmm....I have some things in my wardrobe/life that remind me of a former relationship." Why do we hold on to this stuff? What am I hoping to glean from these possessions? I am thinking that maybe I should just get rid of these shoes. I obviously have a negative association with them---but unfortunately I actually like these shoes. What's a girl to do? Continue to wear them and be haunted by this past relationship? OR, perhaps invest in a new pair of cute, sporty tennies that are free of ghosts? I'm thinking probably these are going to be a part of the "shoe funeral" that is going to take place in about a week.


P.S. A BIG SPECIAL THANKS TO KAREN, my photographer, FOR BEING SO CREATIVE OVER THESE PAST 47 DAYS! LOVE THE SHOE PIC TODAY! (we are in the midst of standardized state testing, and I made these papers for my kids and got pencils made for them to use during the test to try and encourage them! Fun times!)


So, I tormented myself last night by going shoe shopping with my friend Daniela (she is looking for black flat boots) at the Stonewood Mall. Besides being so frustrated everytime I saw a cute pair of shoes that I am not allowed to buy (self-imposed shoe drought for at least one more week!), we encountered some of the most annoying human beings that I have ever interacted with. Now, as you know, I usually have positive experiences at this mall, but I promised myself (and Daniela) that I was going to put these shoe salespeople on blast on my blog. Here is how I am choosing to do it:

Dear Salespeople at Bakers and FootAction,

I would greatly appreciate if you could please tone down the volume levels of your voices when I walk into your store. There is no need for you to SHOUT AT ME "HI! NEED SOME HELP? WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? WHAT'S THE OCCASION?" If I tell you, "Thanks, I'm just looking", please accept that. don't continue to follow me around the store, asking me irrelevant questions OR trying to pretend that you remember Daniela and I coming into the store last week and buying matching running shoes. (While believable, we unfortunately did not buy matching running shoes....yet) Unless I ask for your help, I do not want it. Except, of course, if I am shopping at Nordstrom's and you are super smokin' hot, then and only then will I want your help. You are obnoxious. I'm not sure if you went to training and they told you that the best way to sell something to people is to shout at them, but you have been misinformed. Please take this as some friendly advice. Talk softer, people will listen. AND they won't be totally turned off by the shrill harshness of your loud voice like Daniela and I were.

Thanks A Bunch,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 46---Black Boots

These are my most expensive pair of shoes. As you have probably realized, I tend to buy "bargain" shoes (ie: from Marshalls, Ross, Henry's Shoe Experience, Target...) because I believe that they are JUST AS WONDERFUL as ones that cost hundreds of dollars. However, I can definitely say that these boots are SO AMAZING and SO WORTH THE MONEY THAT I SPENT ON THEM. And, I can tell the difference between these boots and all of my other, less expensive, ones....which can either be seen as a good OR a bad thing. It's like flying first class. Once you've done that, it's kind of difficult to go back to flying coach on Southwest. Right?

I can vividly recall the Fall day that I purchased these boots from the swanky South Coast Plaza Nordstrom. I was with Brittany and Summer and we were just spending the day together, doing some shopping and we decided to just "stop in" to Nordstrom and see if we could find YELLOW SHOES (yes, those dang yellow shoes have been driving me crazy for MONTHS!) for us to wear for Summer's wedding. If you ever shop at Nordstrom, then you know that it is nearly impossible and takes some SERIOUS self-control to just "stop in" there. While we were perusing the shoes, I happened to stumble across the display with all of the boots that are this style and was telling Britt that I didn't think I could "pull them off" know what I mean? These boots take a certain kind of "styling". You can't wear them with just any outfit. For example, today I decided to wear them with my Big Star jeans that I got from The Denim Guy ( and with my super cute headband, homemade by my BFFFE, Renee. Despite my initial styling challenges, I decided to try them on, along with about ten other pairs at the urging of the SUPER SMOKING HOT SHOE SALESMAN (of course he HAD to be sexy....he could have tried to sell me a pile of crap and I would have bought it---he was THAT cute!) and, of course, the ones that I fell in love with happened to be the most expensive ones. Duh. Isn't that the way it always works? Simultaneously, Summer was finding, trying on, falling in love with, and ultimately, purchasing, her Vera Wang wedding shoes. We both got suckered into buying pretty much the most expensive shoes that we tried on that day. No regrets. :)

However, as I mentioned before, they have proven to be totally 100% worth it. And, even though I am pretty sure that the salesman knew EXACTLY what he was doing (picture Wendy Peffercorn a la "Sandlot"...."She knows what she's doing, she knows EXACTLY what she's doing"---Squnits @ the public pool) as he seduced me with these boots, I have to say that I loved the seduction. I'm so simple. Put a pair of fantastic shoes on my feet and I will melt and hand you my VISA card. HAHA!

I love these boots. They are perfect for a gloomy, rainy, cold day like today. I feel like a bad-ass when I wear them. I want to get a boyfriend with a Harley just so that I can put these babies on and go for a ride. Instead, I guess I will just wear them to school and daydream about my imaginary motorcycle riding boyfriend. He's out there somewhere, right? :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 45---Gold Strappy Heels

I have really had these shoes for about 5 years. I used to wear them ALL the time when I was student teaching. As I have come to realize with a LOT of my shoes, I have a problem because I find a new pair of shoes that replaces the old pair---in the sense that I wear the new pair with all of the things I used to wear with the old pair---but I never actually get rid of the old pair---and then I end up with 50 someodd pairs of shoes in my closet. These shoes, unlike other shoes that I have not worn in a long time, are actually quite comfortable and I am befuddled as to why I choose never to wear them. I guess it's a problem of having too many options. It's like my closet is the menu at "Cheesecake Factory"....they have SO MANY OPTIONS, and it is really hard to choose sometimes (right???) So, I have all of these shoes, and I end up wearing the same 5 pairs all the time. You know what I mean? And my poor other shoes are sorely neglected.

Part of the reason that I might not always choose to wear these shoes is because of their heel height. And, if you have learned anything about me and my shoe choices over these past 45 days, it would be that heel height is of the utmost importance. These heels are slightly "kitten-heel-esque", and as my sister's coworker said "Kitten Heels are the MULLETS of shoes". How very true. I HATE KITTEN HEELS. Now, although these heels are NOT truly kitten-heels, they definitely ride the proverbial "fence".

On the other hand, these shoes remind me of my Master Teacher (weird, right?) from when I was Student Teaching. So interesting how there are so many pairs of shoes in my closet that remind me of that time period. Unlike the other shoes though, these ones remind me specifically of him. He would always tease me about my "sassy" shoes and tell me that they were shiny and distracting. I must tell you that I adore my Master Teacher. He is an amazing man, teacher, and mentor. I still keep in touch with him, and I owe much of who I am as a teacher, to him and our semester we spent together. He taught me how to really enjoy my job. He taught me about consistency and routine. He taught me about the importance of organization and staying "on top" of grading and planning. He also gave me a lot of freedom to develop into the kind of teacher that I wanted to be. I feel so lucky to have been able to learn from him. So many people have very negative Student Teaching Semesters, but how lucky am I, that the main things that I remember about Student Teaching, are my shoes????

Shoes tell stories. Shoes are a reflection of who we are, who we want to be that day, and where we want to go. My attitude is reflected in my shoes. Sure, I probably WAS sassy, shiny, and distracting while I was wearing these shoes, but at least they were focusing on me and maybe, just maybe, learning something at the same time.

P.S. CHECK OUT LITTLE MISS MIA GRACE CARTOZIAN! She is the most beautiful little pumpkin of love! Mom and Dad (Erica and Craig) are doing wonderfully and are so mellow. I am so proud of my friends. It is a great experience to see my friends go from being single ladies, to being wives, and now to being mothers...what a joy!

Now we are on "Scarlet Rose Gutierrez Watch 2011"....hurry up and come before Thursday please---your Auntie Ali will be very happy with you and buy you lots of shoes if you make that happen. Thank You, Love!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 44---Yellow Platform Pumps

First of all, CHECK OUT THESE SHOES!!!! AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL AND SO HOT, right???? These dang yellow shoes have been the bane of my existence for about 2 months now, and it is crazy how, under pressure, I was able to miraculously find the perfect pair! For those of you who have not been "following" my madness, I was in my best friend, Summer's, wedding and we were instructed to "Buy yellow shoes....not neon yellow, but not mustard yellow---you know what I mean, right?"....No, Sum, I love you, but I must admit that finding the PERFECT yellow shoes (and clearly, I eventually did---Thank Goodness!) proved to be a difficult task! But, it all worked out (thanks to Off Broadway---check it out! AND my trusty shoe side-kick---you know who you are!)

The wedding was BEAUTIFUL and SO MUCH FUN! I of course cried the entire time. From the moment that Summer put her veil on, to the moment they said "I Do", I was a wreck. I have a problem. Our yellow shoes ended up being the perfect complement to our slate gray dresses and our AMAZING vintage jewelry made especially by the Mother and Grandmother of the Bride just for each of us. It was wonderful. We all looked great and everyone's yellow shoes were fantastic. AND guess who caught the bouquet???? Yep. That's right. yours truly. Oy vay.

I love weddings, and I am having (which I am totally surprised by) a little bit of a bittersweet feeling going on right now. This is the very first time in 5 years that I do not have a wedding in which I am going to be a bridesmaid "on the horizon" and it's kind of strange. My friend Erica's husband, Craig, (yes, I was in their wedding too...purple dress...silver shoes with the bow, remember those???) said it well. He told me that most weddings have about 150 people at them and usually about 5 bridesmaids and that means that about 5 percent (or some mathematical situation like that) of the people are in weddings about 5% of the time. But, I on the other hand, have been in 11 weddings and have probably been to about 20 weddings in my life. So that means that I am a bridesmaid about 50% of the time, and that means that I am special. Thanks Craig---you always know how to make me feel good about myself and put a positive twist on everything! It is an interesting thing to have dedicated so much of my time, money, and energy into these weddings, and now they are over. And what do I have to show for them? Let's see: 11 bridesmaid dresses, 2 wine-tasting bachelorette parties (Krisi and Lori), 1 Palm Springs bachelorette party (Erica), 2 San Diego Bachelorette Parties (Joanne and Summer), 4 Las Vegas bachelorette parties (Brittany, Bianca, Steph, and Alex), and 1 Mexican Cruise (Erin)....and a trip to Etna (Renee), one vacation to Maui, Hawaii, countless necklaces, earrings, bracelets, flowers for my hair---all matching with 5-10 other girls! On a different note, I have gained 11 men into my life who are so special in their own unique ways. They are the men who take care of me, who initiate and interrogate every new guy I ever bring around, who make my best friends so happy, and who are now becoming the fathers to a very precious new generation of wonderful people.

So, out of this process I can choose to either dwell on the fact that I could definitely have put a down payment on a house (seriously) if I had all of the money that I spent on dresses, shoes, hair, make-up, traveling, bachelorette parties, presents, showers.......OR I can choose to look at the gifts that I have been given because of all of these weddings. And their names are: Andrew, Dave, Pat, Steve, Craig, David, Isaac, Michael, Anthony, Danny, and Kelly. And I wouldn't trade anything for all of those guys. Not even a down payment for a house. I would do it all over again....but come on guys.....please don't make me! Love you all.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 43---Gray Slip On Converse All-Stars

Gosh! I love these shoes! I have saved them until almost the end of this challenge because I knew that I would have a day when I would want to wear them. I tend to wear these shoes a lot during the fall. I am one of the Cheer Coaches/Advisors (is cheer a sport?) at my school and I have to go to every football game on Friday nights during the fall. So, jeans, a Warren shirt, my Cheer jackets, and these shoes tend to be my "uniform".

These shoes are so comfortable. And I love that they are gray. I have a pair of Black converse (I wore them during the first week of my challenge) and they are my oldest pair of shoes. These shoes LAST FOREVER! One of the best things about these shoes is that Converse has a ton of different colors. And Converse Brand has been around since what feels like to be the beginning of time. You know? These shoes are "sporty" but not Athletic shoes.

They are cute, but not high heels. They are unpretentious. I feel slightly like a "tomboy" when I wear them, but that is not a bad feeling. It's just a different feeling than I get when I wear my heels. In my heels I feel powerful, but in my Converse I feel cool. And "cool" is totally a state of mind, right? All you have to do is believe that you are cool, and it is so. Therefore, when I wear these, I am cool. I can't say that anyone else agrees with me, but I can say that I know how I feel.

I will be on my way to Yucaipa for Summer and Kelly's wedding in a few hours---after I take care of setting up the drinks for Mona's baby shower---and I am starting to be really excited! I think it is going to be a really fun weekend and I can't wait to wear my new yellow shoes. I went on a journey to The Block last night with my friend Justin to try and find yellow shoes at this store called "Off Broadway"...Justin swore that they would "FOR SURE" have yellow shoes. And, guess what???? A liar he is not! I found the perfect pair of yellow shoes. I love the color, I love the style; I am going to rock this wedding, people! Get ready! I will not post tomorrow, because bridesmaid duties call! And "Wedding Ali" is going to be out in full force!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 42---Black and Gray Heels

Ouch. These shoes are SO cute, but they are just about a 1/2 size too small! Eeeek! But I love them. And I bought them from Marshalls during the summer, and you know how it goes at those stores....they usually have one pair of one kind of shoe you just have to hope that the pair they have is your size! You know? I don't think this outfit did them justice....the jeans were too long and covered up their cuteness. But, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there. Right?

I wore these shoes to my friend Randy's wedding in December to his beautiful wife Megan (this is actually one of the few weddings that I have ever been to that I was not actually a part of! Crazy!) I wore them with gray tights, a gray dress, and my black blazer. Super cute. Super fun wedding. They are such an awesome couple. Their wedding was 100% a reflection of their personalities. Randy is a really special friend in my life. He has been my friend since our freshman year of high school, we even went with each other to our very first high school dance! (oh Homecoming 1999, how fun you were!) We were on ASB together, he introduced me to one of my very best friends, and he is just an all-around awesome guy. It was interesting to attend a wedding for a male friend, because he is really one of my only male friends that is married (besides all of the men who married my girlfriends!) and it was surprisingly just as emotional and touching to see him get married as it has been to see all of my girl friends get married.

These shoes have a story. And even though they are a teensy wee bit too small, I am still going to wear them, because I just can't bear to part with something that carries such nice memories as these do.

P.S. I FOUND YELLOW SHOES!!!!! The BIG day is in two days for Summer and Kelly! I am super stressed, but super excited to get their wedding weekend started! I just have to get through the rest of this week and then HERE COMES "WEDDING ALI"!!!! (she's really fun, super irresponsible, and an AMAZING dancer---if you've never had the pleasure of making her acquaintance!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 42---Black Platform Knee High Boots

"RegBevWilsh"---name that movie!!!! 5....4....3....2....1......PRETTY WOMAN!!!! Only one of the best "Cinderella" stories out there! That is if Cinderella was a prostitute in the early 1990's in Hollywood.. 

You might be thinking, "Why is Ali talking about this movie?" And, my answer is...check out my boots!  These are STRAIGHT OUTTA JULIE ROBERTS' prostitute closet.  Duh.  They are ALMOST, but not quite, Over The Knee (which is always a debatable shoe topic in my life....should I? Or shouldn't I?) and they are SUPER HIGH. They even have a platform sole, so they have the appearance of being even higher than they really are. You know? And, much like my platform heels from yesterday's post, I AM IN LOVE WITH THEIR COMFORT due to the platform.  These are some serious boots my friends.  I mean business when I wear them.  I purchased them from Forever 21 earlier this Winter and I actually have only worn them about 3 times (sad sad tale...Julia Roberts would NOT be proud of me!) I love that they are from F21 (in the Stonewood Mall, of course!) and that I got about a bazillion compliments on not only them, but also on my dress today.  

Speaking of the dress, this wrap dress has been in my wardrobe since probably about 2007....that's a pretty long time, especially for something from Forever 21 (i'm not putting F21 down, but i am going to step out on the proverbial limb and say that GENERALLY clothing/shoes/accessories from F21 do not last longer than one season.)  But however, this dress has lasted about 4 years! Crazy! My sister and I both have this dress (it looks better on her, just in case you were wondering!) and surprisingly, we have never both stepped out of our bedrooms wearing it at the same time!

So, besides the fact that this 51 day challenge is winding down, I am also coming to notice something else about myself.  I have about a zillion different outfits.  If you go back and look through all of my postings (if you're extremely bored and have nothing to do, then go for it!) you will notice that I really never wore the same exact outfit twice.  A new challenge??? I think this might be the concept "in it's diapers" so to speak.  I have so much stuff.  I read about a person who doesn't believe in having more possessions than she can pack up in 10 minutes or less....ummm...let's just say that it took me about one whole week to move into my apartment....and most of that time was devoted to moving CLOTHES and SHOES! EEk! 

Shhh....don't tell Summer (even though she reads my blog every day....HI SUM!)....but I am still on the hunt for a fabulous pair of yellow shoes.  I have a, no worries, but I just know that these shoes "Could be better." Maybe I'm just being picky.  But, if I am going to spend money, I want to LOVE them.  We'll see. Worse comes to Worst, I will wear my back up pair! 

Until then, I am going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the feelings of wearing OTK Boots a la Julia Roberts.