Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Last 27 Days of Being 27: Becoming the Easter Bunny?

So something that I have never really experienced in my 27 years was the "magic" of creating a holiday for a child. I mean, I create holidays extravaganzas with and for my family all the time! But however, I have never been the "grown-up" who is in charge of, for example, putting out cookies for Santa (and then eating them on his behalf!) or sneaking a tooth out from under a pillow and replacing it with money (a la The Tooth Fairy). That all changed this year when my good friend Matt and I decided to have a good ole' fashioned Easter Egg Hunt with our 5th grade Sunday School class kids.

Part of being amateurs at this task is not knowing how much candy to buy (always buy more than you think you need, is what we learned!) and also to make sure that one hides eggs in a place that it "reachable" by a 4ft tall 5th grader. Moreover, it is imperative that the "Easter Bunny" remembers where he hid all of the loot--and how many eggs he hid as well!!! (Believe me, it is NOT fun to find a rotten Easter Egg, hidden in some obscure place, weeks AFTER easter--that DID happen at the Davis Casa one fateful year!) It is a completely different holiday experience when you are creating the magic FOR someone else instead of having it be created for you. Does that make sense? I remember my mom and dad just laughing and staring at us with such amusement and love while we put out cookies for Santa, hid our teeth for the Tooth Fairy, and hunted for eggs left by the Easter Bunny. I now know that there is a shift that takes place when you become a grown-up--and that it is just as fun and exciting to be on the opposite side of the festivities.

Matt and I had so much fun setting up races to find eggs, taking pictures of the kiddos, and of course, sneaking a fun size Snickers here and there. Now, I know that I am FAR FAR FAR away from my days of being a kid, but I am still in that weird in between place--not a kid and not a person who has kids--so I don't find myself having to "create the magic" all that often. However, this glimpse into what it will one day be like makes me really excited! Being the Easter Bunny can be really fun! (Hey Matt! Can I wear a rabbit costume next year???)

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