Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Last 27 Days of Being 27: Origami and TWINS!

Today was the day of ORIGAMI and TWINS!!! I learned how to make origami from my trusty side-kick, Mr. Justin Edward Muller (he says "Like, you know how there are like Level 4 difficulties in sudoku? Well, I was like a level 4 Origami maker back in the day"....and hang on one sec...let me send out the NERD ALERT! I kid, I kid. You're the bomb.com J-Mull) Also, two very speical babies were welcomed into my life because my best friend forever, Renee Michele Johnson, gave birth to twin babies--a boy and a girl--Luke Matthew and Paige Helen! I don't think that it is psossible for my heart to be more full of love than it is right now.

Here they are: Luke Matthew Johnson and Paige Helen Johnson. they are loved and adored by many (especially Auntie Ali)! A big huge ginormous CONGRATULATIONS goes out to Pat and Renee and big sister Bailey Marie. The babies are so lucky to be welcomed into a family like yours. As I always say, Renee and Pat ROCK at being parents (for reals) and they have this unique ability to be awesome parents, but to still be so much fun! They are never too busy to help other people and I know that everyone in the Scott Valley is going to be loving them and taking care of them and doing everything that I wish I could be doing! I can't wait to meet you Paige and Luke!

Our first attempt at an origami rose was REALLY hard. I have to admit that I was growing a little frustrated because I don't often come across things that are too difficult for me--and this was so difficult and I just could NOT figure it out! I wanted to stop, but Justin wouldn't let me (what a good friend, right? He just wants me to accomplish my goal of 27 adventures!) And, let me tell you friends, he was not lying when he said he was "good" at this stuff. I'm not saying he should quit his job and become a full-time origami maker, but he's pretty stellar at this. I think it's because he's so patient--that's one of his greatest qualities in my opinion and I really admire that about him. I'm just sayin'!

I sort of gave up and looked up another "rose" pattern to fold and it gave me this UGLY finished product. NOT as crazy amazing as I thought it was going to be. But, this was only my first time doing this, remember? And also, things get better...I was able to make the COOLEST THING EVER~ keep reading.....

Look at all my finished stuff that I made! The best thing that I made was the traditional origami "crane"...see it is blue paper below! I literally almost cried when I finished it and it turned out nearly perfect! It is definitely the one creation that I am proud of and would like to continue trying to perfect!

As you may have noticed, many of my blogs also include me interacting with another person...this is another key element to the success of my "Project 27". The key is to find people who do something that I want to do and then convince them to take me along and let me play! Hence, hammer throwing with Vince, batting cages with Scott, Nickel-Nickel with Justin---you get the idea. I love my friends and I am having a great time. I like to think that people enjoy when someone asks them to explain or teach them how to do something that they are good at...so, if I ask you to do something with me, it's just because I think you are amazing and I want to be the "celebrity apprentice" to your "Donald Trump". Comprende?

1 comment:

  1. Along with the origami crane you should read Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Great read - and it's a kids' book so it's short!
