I feel like I have been looking up at people all day long today---I commented to all the boys in my 4th period class that they were looking rather TALL today...and one of the boys told me that it's because I'm not wearing my "crazy high heels" today. Haha...Love Them.
These Sandals, of course, have a story. And it goes out to any of you ladies who have ever gone out in Las Vegas for perhaps a Bachelorette Party. Now, if you know my friends, then you know that Bachelorette Parties in Vegas are an excuse to, as I like to say, "Rage Against the Machine" aka get wild and crazy. This usually consists, at least partially of, getting dressed up and putting on SUPER high heels and going out on the town. So, for my good friend Bianca's Bachelorette Party this past September, WE RAGED. In a serious way.
This leads me to these sandals. You might be thinking to yourself something like: "Gosh Ali, those don't look like Super High-Going-Out-Heels. Why ever would you be wearing them in Vegas of all places?" And I will tell you this: the weather was amazing, we sipped beverages by the pool all day long, got dressed up and went out on the town, and about 1/2 way through the night, I had to give up. Now, I am the first person to say that Flat Shoes are a disease and taking off your shoes before the night is over is like Giving Up and Losing the Fight. And usually I am a winner in that battle. I can Rock my Heels all day and all night, but this particular night, it was NOT happening.
So, I broke down, walked into a store in the Forum Shops (for all my people familiar with Vegas, you know where I'm talking about!) and purchased these lovely sandals. They felt like what I imagine Heaven will feel like when I put them on my aching feet...amazing. I have to admit that this is the FIRST time that I have worn them since that night---I know, I know....I have a problem---but they really are super cute and fabulous. My feet have been comfy all day long. It's nice to give my feet a little break from the Battle of the Heel every now and again. Today was one of those days. PLUS, I had to help with some ASB stuff today, so I wanted to wear my Warren Gear (blue and gold!) and these shoes went PERFECTLY! I also understand that....GASP! These are YELLOW SHOES, and I am currently in the market for YELLOW SHOES for Summer and Kelly's wedding, but these are not going to work. I must have a heel.
On a sidenote, I have a pair of heels that are taunting me right now from the top shelf of my closet. Every day they look at me, I look at them, and I decide that today is not the day that I will wear them. I am nervous to wear them. They are VERY high. They are VERY intense. I think I will keep my readers in suspense for a little while longer. I will say that they could potentially have been worn my Julia Roberts in "Pretty Woman"...they are nothing like my innocent yellow sandals from today.
My shoes have personalities. Do yours?
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