I have really had these shoes for about 5 years. I used to wear them ALL the time when I was student teaching. As I have come to realize with a LOT of my shoes, I have a problem because I find a new pair of shoes that replaces the old pair---in the sense that I wear the new pair with all of the things I used to wear with the old pair---but I never actually get rid of the old pair---and then I end up with 50 someodd pairs of shoes in my closet. These shoes, unlike other shoes that I have not worn in a long time, are actually quite comfortable and I am befuddled as to why I choose never to wear them. I guess it's a problem of having too many options. It's like my closet is the menu at "Cheesecake Factory"....they have SO MANY OPTIONS, and it is really hard to choose sometimes (right???) So, I have all of these shoes, and I end up wearing the same 5 pairs all the time. You know what I mean? And my poor other shoes are sorely neglected.
Part of the reason that I might not always choose to wear these shoes is because of their heel height. And, if you have learned anything about me and my shoe choices over these past 45 days, it would be that heel height is of the utmost importance. These heels are slightly "kitten-heel-esque", and as my sister's coworker said "Kitten Heels are the MULLETS of shoes". How very true. I HATE KITTEN HEELS. Now, although these heels are NOT truly kitten-heels, they definitely ride the proverbial "fence".
On the other hand, these shoes remind me of my Master Teacher (weird, right?) from when I was Student Teaching. So interesting how there are so many pairs of shoes in my closet that remind me of that time period. Unlike the other shoes though, these ones remind me specifically of him. He would always tease me about my "sassy" shoes and tell me that they were shiny and distracting. I must tell you that I adore my Master Teacher. He is an amazing man, teacher, and mentor. I still keep in touch with him, and I owe much of who I am as a teacher, to him and our semester we spent together. He taught me how to really enjoy my job. He taught me about consistency and routine. He taught me about the importance of organization and staying "on top" of grading and planning. He also gave me a lot of freedom to develop into the kind of teacher that I wanted to be. I feel so lucky to have been able to learn from him. So many people have very negative Student Teaching Semesters, but how lucky am I, that the main things that I remember about Student Teaching, are my shoes????
Shoes tell stories. Shoes are a reflection of who we are, who we want to be that day, and where we want to go. My attitude is reflected in my shoes. Sure, I probably WAS sassy, shiny, and distracting while I was wearing these shoes, but at least they were focusing on me and maybe, just maybe, learning something at the same time.
P.S. CHECK OUT LITTLE MISS MIA GRACE CARTOZIAN! She is the most beautiful little pumpkin of love! Mom and Dad (Erica and Craig) are doing wonderfully and are so mellow. I am so proud of my friends. It is a great experience to see my friends go from being single ladies, to being wives, and now to being mothers...what a joy!
Now we are on "Scarlet Rose Gutierrez Watch 2011"....hurry up and come before Thursday please---your Auntie Ali will be very happy with you and buy you lots of shoes if you make that happen. Thank You, Love!
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