So, somewhere along my Shoe Journey (51 Pairs Of Shoes, Oh My!) I discovered that the obsession with shoes and pretty much all things "Fabulous", that my feelings and experiences were not unlike the experiences/feelings that many other people have. Now, this was not some "AHA!" moment for me, but it was pretty enlightening. I thought that this "shoe obsession" was a problem, so I began blogging about it. However, along the way, it brought me closer to many people whom I would otherwise not be close with. I realized that some men have a lot of shoes (and they definitely have their opinions about MINE!), I also realized that a lot of people read what I have been writing. I was utilizing some of the cool features of "blogspot" and saw that I could track the different states, countries, and YES, continents, where people are reading my blog. Crazy, but someone in GERMANY and also someone else in MEXICO are reading my blog. WHAAAAT???? (Hello to you, my international readership!) I am in shock and awe over this fact. I mean, I believed that some of my friends and family would read what I write, but never did I ever believe that I would have as many others as I do.
Now, this brings me to my next point. Where to go from here? I have been thinking about this for about a week now---okay, let's get serious---I've been thinking about where to go next since my first posting! And I have decided what my plan will be---at least for the time being. We have about 17 days left of the school year. I don't know about you, but when I was a high school student, I had a countdown going in my planner from about Spring Break and on....the last days of school always dragged on and on and coincidentally, the most interesting things tended to happen on those days. Both in school and out. Therefore, I am going to write about the last weeks of school, but with a twist (duh, how could there NOT be a twist, right??) I am going to write from the perspective of my shoes. Where did I take them that day, what weird things did they see, what strange experiences did I have whilst wearing them? We'll see. This has the potential to either be cool, or to really really suck. You just never know, right?
On another note, check out Little Miss Scarlet Rose Gutierrez's Sock Shoes!!!! Isn't she freaking adorable??? I got to thinking as I was holding her, that, unlike me, she has her WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE stretching before her. Those socks are just the first of many socks that she will own. They are just the first of many (hopefully) cute and Fabulously Ridiculous shoes in her wardrobe (if her Auntie Ali has anything to say about it!). She is full of life, and potential, and beauty to do and be whatever and whoever she wants to be. Gosh, I am so excited for her life. I am so excited that I get to be a part of such a beautiful thing. It makes me realize that I need to be very conscious of where my shoes are taking me. What stories do I want my shoes to tell? Do I want them to say that I am bad at my job, am rude to people, and have no patience? Or, do I want them to have adventures and a shelf life of Fabulous Ridiculousness? Hmmm....let's see.....what option sounds better???? :)
So, I will be a taking my cue from Scar-Ro, I will be seeing each day with new eyes. I will embrace new people and new experiences. I won't be afraid to cry. I won't be afraid to need my mom and dad. I will be demanding, but not be a diva. I will grow, in more ways than one. And I will try to be the best that I can be.
Ahhh, shoes. They make me all sentimental and stuff :)
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