"RegBevWilsh"---name that movie!!!! 5....4....3....2....1......PRETTY WOMAN!!!! Only one of the best "Cinderella" stories out there! That is if Cinderella was a prostitute in the early 1990's in Hollywood..
You might be thinking, "Why is Ali talking about this movie?" And, my answer is...check out my boots! These are STRAIGHT OUTTA JULIE ROBERTS' prostitute closet. Duh. They are ALMOST, but not quite, Over The Knee (which is always a debatable shoe topic in my life....should I? Or shouldn't I?) and they are SUPER HIGH. They even have a platform sole, so they have the appearance of being even higher than they really are. You know? And, much like my platform heels from yesterday's post, I AM IN LOVE WITH THEIR COMFORT due to the platform. These are some serious boots my friends. I mean business when I wear them. I purchased them from Forever 21 earlier this Winter and I actually have only worn them about 3 times (sad sad tale...Julia Roberts would NOT be proud of me!) I love that they are from F21 (in the Stonewood Mall, of course!) and that I got about a bazillion compliments on not only them, but also on my dress today.
Speaking of the dress, this wrap dress has been in my wardrobe since probably about 2007....that's a pretty long time, especially for something from Forever 21 (i'm not putting F21 down, but i am going to step out on the proverbial limb and say that GENERALLY clothing/shoes/accessories from F21 do not last longer than one season.) But however, this dress has lasted about 4 years! Crazy! My sister and I both have this dress (it looks better on her, just in case you were wondering!) and surprisingly, we have never both stepped out of our bedrooms wearing it at the same time!
So, besides the fact that this 51 day challenge is winding down, I am also coming to notice something else about myself. I have about a zillion different outfits. If you go back and look through all of my postings (if you're extremely bored and have nothing to do, then go for it!) you will notice that I really never wore the same exact outfit twice. A new challenge??? I think this might be the concept "in it's diapers" so to speak. I have so much stuff. I read about a person who doesn't believe in having more possessions than she can pack up in 10 minutes or less....ummm...let's just say that it took me about one whole week to move into my apartment....and most of that time was devoted to moving CLOTHES and SHOES! EEk!
Shhh....don't tell Summer (even though she reads my blog every day....HI SUM!)....but I am still on the hunt for a fabulous pair of yellow shoes. I have a pair....so, no worries, but I just know that these shoes "Could be better." Maybe I'm just being picky. But, if I am going to spend money, I want to LOVE them. We'll see. Worse comes to Worst, I will wear my back up pair!
Until then, I am going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the feelings of wearing OTK Boots a la Julia Roberts.
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