Here they are friends! My third and final pair of Oxfords! I am still disgusted with myself and the fact that I have THREE pairs of these shoes. Seriously. It's slightly out of control. I have a problem. I see this style of shoes and I want to buy them. And the real problem is, they are flat shoes and, as you all know I don't typically wear flat shoes. However, I love these for some unknown reason more than I love any other pair of my Oxfords. Weird.
I must confess that I wore these while I was in NYC this past weekend as well as wearing them today. They are just too cute to pass up. I wore them out to dinner with my brother and our good friend Rick Lands. Rick has a place in The City and we met up with him and he took us to eat at this amazing place called "Cafeteria"....sooooooooo! They have DELICIOUS mac'n'cheese and lots of really yummy food. Apparently they are THE hot spot for late night after hours dining and it really gets crazy there after the bars close. Probably a good thing that we don't have one here, because I would want to eat there all the time! Wes and I had a really good time with Rick...eating, chatting, drinking Belini' great!
So, when I wore them today, I couldn't help but think about where I was the last time that I wore them, in comparison to where I am wearing them today. Traveling is crazy, people. One day you're living it up in a new city, surrounded by fun opportunity and new experiences to be had, and the next I am back at Warren High teaching ROMEO AND JULIET. Oy Vay! How things change!
Speaking of change, my best friend had her baby! Scarlet Rose Gutierrez made her Grand Debut on Saturday, May 21, 2011. She is BEAUTIFUL! I told Britt that she really didn't have to go to all the trouble of getting Scar a "Baby Wig" (look at all that HAIR! She needs a BOW STAT!) I was overcome with emotions when I met her. It is such a strange feeling to hold a baby that was JUST inside your best friend, and feel the immense responsibility that comes with having a baby. I can't believe that Britt and Isaac are parents. It seems like yesterday that Britt was telling us all during lunch at DHS our Junior year about this guy that she met that is pretty cool and she thinks she kind of likes him. Fast Forward 10 years....SCARLET! Wow. I am in love. It's official. She is amazing, and beautiful, and SO SMART. I can tell! She needs high heels ASAP. Auntie Ali to the rescue!
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