Today is bittersweet. It is the end of my 51 day "challenge"! Can you believe it? I am seriously amazed that this is coming to an end. I am nowhere near finished with my blogging life though. This has been such an enlightening experience for me. I have always wanted to write in some capacity and as an English Major in college, I did a LOT of writing. But, as a teacher, I have not really found a niche for my writing....until NOW! I feel like I have been able to "get out" my creative writing (debatable if it is enjoyable for everyone!) urges on this blog. My goal was to write about my shoes, but also to write about the experiences that my shoes might be able to tell everyone about---if they could talk. I hope that my "voice" (as my professors were always encouraging me to use) was loud and clear while you have been reading my blog. It has been so fun and fulfilling to write again. I know that I am nowhere near being finished with my "Fabulous Ridiculousness"...I promise! Plus, I still have to blog about my Shoes' Journey to the Big Apple AND we have to have a Shoe Funeral/Memorial Service for all of those shoes that are no longer going to be a part of my closet.
Speaking of shoes that will no longer be a part of my closet, allow me to highlight the pair of shoes that I chose to leave for last. I think that I subconsciously left these shoes for the end, because I knew how FREAKING UNCOMFORTABLE they are and I was dreading wearing them. Today has been PURE TORTURE. These shoes hurt my feet more than any other pair that I have ever owned. Seriously. They are from Payless---so it shouldn't come as a surprise that they are just a little bit "off"....from my vast shoe experience I have gleaned the fact that Payless shoes tend to all be a little bit weird. Does that make sense? There is something to be said for classy, expensive, well-made shoes. They just tend to be more comfy. For example, my Nike Free Running shoes are comfortable enough to wear on a daily basis for hours and hours on end, but these shoes are just NOT those kind of shoes. I bought these because I was taking advantage of the "BO-GO" (Buy One, Get One) one time when I purchased some other equally uncomfortable shoes, so I don't feel any real connection to these shoes, but for some reason I have never gotten rid of them.
After doing this blog, I have come to see that the reason I have these uncomfortable shoes in my closet is because I just have TOO many pairs of shoes, and then I tend to wear the same 5 pairs and never branch out and then I forget how uncomfortable they are and then they just sit there in my closet gathering dust. HOWEVER, I am NOW proud to say that I have at least 5 pairs of shoes that I will be ridding myself of later this week. (The best part is that I am going to take them to The Salvation Army and some other unsuspecting woman will be suckered into buying them, just like I was! I'm so evil!)
This may be the "end" of this particular Chapter in my blogging life, but I can say with full confidence that I am nowhere near done being "Fabulously Ridiculous", so stay tuned---because I WILL be gracing the screens of your computers with more of my Ridiculousness. Mark My Words.
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