1. "Frost" yourself. This means, hair do-dads, necklaces, scarves, accessories, shoes---those things make all the difference in an outfit. Even though I was wearing the same black Dress every day, somehow it felt different--and that is definitely because of the WAY i chose to wear it and accessorize it each day. Also, buy trendy accessories from cheap places; that way, if (when) they go out of style, you won't be disappointed because you didn't spend too much money on them. My favorite accessory places--Forever 21, Target, H&M--are all places that won't "break the bank". (check out my hair do-dad below---it's from Bianca's wedding...it's kind of falling apart but I can't bring myself to get rid of it!)
2. A POP! of color never hurt anyone! Wear something colorful each day--I promise you won't regret it AND you will feel better. It can be a scarf, a fun sweater, cute shoes---whatever it may be, just do it! Always wear something that makes you happy. It doesn't even have to be something that people can see--I heard that Melissa McCarthy wore a gold ankle bracelet while she was filming "Bridesmaids" just because she felt that it made her character more complete. And guess what? We, as the audience, never see that ankle bracelet. All that mattered what that SHE knew it was there. So, figure out, what makes your "character" more complete? And then go with it!
3. Follow the rule of taking off one accessory before you walk out of the house. If you are like me, then you may tend to "over-accessorize" (is there such a thing??? GASP!) and if you're not careful, you will end up looking like a little kid playing dress-up in her mom's clothes. So, before you walk out of the house, pause for a second and see if there is one thing that your outfit can do without. You won't regret doing this either! I promise!
4. Choose to be CLASSIC. This means that if you are fortunate enough to have inherited any cool jewelry from your grandma or mom or WHOEVER, WEAR IT! There is a reason that they saved it and I am sure that you can find a way to make it look appropriate today! Remember, one man's trash may be another man's treasure--don't be afraid to shine up something old and give it new life.
5. Most importantly, do not forget that it is NOT the clothes that make the person, it is the person who makes the clothes. Fashion is a state of mind, friends. I spent too long as a younger woman worrying about what other people thought. I vow to just be "me". Whoever that may be. At the end of the day, if I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of the choices I've made, then that is all that matters.
A good attitude and a happy disposition never go out of style--and guess what? They're free! Sometimes the most valuable things that we have in our possession are not THINGS. Don't get me wrong, you KNOW I love a good shopping spree like any other respectable girl, but I am trying as I get older not to lose sight of what really matters.
The girl within the clothes is more important than the clothes.
I found myself writing things and wondering how certain people would be reacting to what I am writing. Thank you to those of you who were my most avid readers---you know who you are---YOU are who I was writing for each day, just hoping that I could make you laugh or pause and consider something new. And some others of you have been reading this every day and I don't even know that you are! So, thank you, all of you, for indulging my Fabulous Ridiculousness, and hopefully I entertained you a little bit.